Let’s just be objective for a minute. Remember when politicians used to have great diction, great speeches, they were true wordsmiths? Even Obama had a certain charisma with his bathrooms for everyone philosophies that were carefully crafted by speech writers.
In Canada there is no opposition, the other parties are either Trudeau lite (tm) or more nuts than Trudeau (Jagmeet is banned from travel to several countries and won’t denounce the Air India bombing), so Trudeau can say whatever he wants. As a result of Trudeau having no consequences for his treatment of “peoplekind,” he is becoming more and more unhinged. Take for example the lawyer who informed Trudeau that what he said about not “tolerating” unvaxxed “racist” Canadians was illegal (image below) as it could potentially incite violence. From the “post national Canada” to the “Great Reset conspiracy” speech, Trudeau seems to be the logical far left outcome of his Soviet father P.E. Trudeau.
There are rumours he is invested in lipid nanoparticles. Here is an example of the taxpayer portion.
So I ask you, after having a look at the images I post below. Why would I or anyone in their right mind actually follow the direction of someone who does not represent one single iota of my belief systems? I’m already horrified by paying taxes to this guy for defunct pipelines and McKenna’s missing money. Why would I take direction from someone who’s sanity should be questioned? Trudeau is the apex of modernism and since this is all about survival, my advice is to hold your ground, continue to cherish your bodily autonomy and ride out the storm. You should question every single modernist innovation and anything which aims to break up the nuclear family. If you can homeschool do it (Math is not “racist”). Traditionalism is the only way forward (not Dugin’s version). If you can get out of CAD, Trudeau is printing (money) his way into funding his Cuban dictator wet dream. Consider transferring cash into hedge assets like physical (not ETF’s) gold and silver. Basically everything Trudeau does, I do the opposite. I guess we know now what he meant by the “budget will balance itself.”
Good luck!